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WWTW- One Year's Seeding and Seven Years Weeding


You have probably heard the saying at some point that one year's seeding, makes seven years of weeding. At this time of year, as so many of you have probably been busy in the garden it may come as timely advice. No matter how carefully and thoroughly we attend to our gardens these weeds will always pop up, distracting from their beauty of them and taking away essential nutrients our plants need to thrive. But what if we take it and apply it to our hearts?

Do you have a sinful habit or certain behaviours you have been allowing to grow in the corners of your hearts like unsightly weeds that have popped up in your garden? Do you say to yourself that it can't hurt just this once, or that you will deal with them at a later date? Doing the wrong thing is so much a part of our nature that we can't help ourselves, just like the weeds in gardens are just a part of nature but the longer we leave our gardens and hearts untended, the harder it will be to tear it all out.

In Colossians, we are instructed to put off the old man and his deeds. Our anger, malice and blasphemy and put all filthy communications out of our mouths and lie not to one another. Cast off our uncleanness, fornication, idolatry and covetousness for these things will cause the wrath of God to come upon the children of disobedience.

We are then called to put on in their place, as the elect of God, meekness, humbleness of mind, longsuffering, forbearing one another, and forgiving one another even as Christ hath forgiven us. Put on charity, and let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

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