What a wonderful and natural thing it is for a newborn baby to desire their mother's milk. They don't need any encouragement to feed, so shortly after they are born they are already working and moving towards their mother's breast as they know this is where they can find comfort and strength. Such an amazing part of how God created women and how we are given means to care for and nurture our children. If you have your own children (or even if you don't) you will know that in every situation a baby's first thought is of milk. When they are hungry, tired, thirsty, scared, hurting or overwhelmed. In 1 Peter 2, we are instructed to desire the sincere milk of the word as newborn babes, that we may grow thereby.
Is turning to God our first thought whenever we are experiencing hardship? When we are tired and weary, do we reach for our second cup of coffee ( or third, fourth or fifth) or do we pray to God for rest and strength to do all that is required of us? When we are scared or overwhelmed do we turn to Him and ask him to protect us from all ills and cast our cares upon him?
We read in psalm 73, whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. How beautiful it would be if we would turn to our Heavenly Father in the same way that a baby cries for its mother, and that we would have a desire for Him alone that he may comfort us. Let us turn to him and he will fulfil our needs, just as a mother fulfils the needs of her newborn. Let us cling unto Him that he will uphold us. Make time for His word, spend time in it and in prayer. Turn to the Lord with all your cares, sorrows, trials and joys and He will strengthen and comfort you. Let us desire His word as newborn babes, that we may grow thereby.